Name that Vine

Unknown honeysuckle with salvia 'Blue Hill' and coral bells 'Palace Purple'

If you know the name of this golden honeysuckle pictured in this post, please share.

Every spring, this beautiful and fragrant honeysuckle blooms abundantly in my front garden.  Its sweet scent fills the air, making my walk to and from the car park so enjoyable. People ask me all the time the name of this honeysuckle.  I honestly don't remember.  I do remember buying this vine online, but not sure which nursery.  In an effort to identify this, I searched through the inventories of some of my favorite online suppliers.

I did read from one supplier that the Chinese honeysuckle Lonicera tragophylla was described as having abundant golden blossoms tinged with red like mine. But from what I can tell this Chinese species is an unscented honeysuckle and mine is definitely a heavy perfumer. 

Its lack of a proper name doesn't diminish its impact on my early summer garden.  This vine starts blooming in early June and continues for about a month.  It grows robustly (as you can see it needs a nice pruning, but didn't want to jeopardize its spring blooms so will cut it back some in the fall).

If you know the name of my honeysuckle, I hope you will post a comment.  Other than for curiosity sake, I guess it doesn't really matter. Shakespeare's Juliet said it best, "A rose (or vine in this case) by any other name would smell as sweet". 

Golden blooms tinged in redMiscanthus "Morning Light' and a white butterfly bush surround this vine in front


2013 ARF Garden Tour


Gone Fishin'