My Hamptons Garden

My garden began about 24 years ago in East Hampton, NY. Started as a sandy clearing in the woods left after the house was built. My first year, compost was added to the sand in front and some grass seed thrown down. Water hoses were set on timers so that the new lawn was irrigated while I was away working in Manhattan during the week. The next year, a few trees and shrubs were added.  

A lot of native plants were used at first to blend into the adjacent woods. Over the years, I've thrown in more colorful, non-native shrubs/trees and perennials.  I'm not sure that my garden fits any established style. It's like a woodland, country garden with a nod towards English cottage styles.

Maintaining this space is a lot of work, but I truly enjoy it.  I hire out only for the really heavy lifting. Planting and pruning are actually very calming after a hectic week. Whenever I sit down to relax outside, I find myself soon drawn back into the garden with pruners or shovel in hand.  I'm a self-taught gardener, finding inspiration and education from books, TV, YouTube, websites and travels to beautiful gardens of others.

After many years of adding and tweaking, there is something to see and enjoy almost every month of the year. I fully admit that I never expect to "finish" my Hamptons garden.  Partly because Mother Nature and critters edit my greenery regularly. Partly because I love to try new plants and combinations.  I am now in USDA Plant Hardiness Zone 7b.  When I started the garden,  I was in Zone 6b.  I see this an an exciting opportunity to expand my plant palette so stay tuned.

I started my blog in 2008, but really didn't get active blogging until 2011.  In 2013, I expanded my blog to include garden galleries.  And after a lengthy hiatus, I've returned to post again about my gardening adventures.  I strive to offer readers (fellow gardeners) more insights from my personal experiences and inspiration from garden photos that I've taken at home and away. It's also a great garden journal for myself.  

Hope you enjoy it.  Please let me know what you think.

July 1999

July 1999

June 2010