Welcome to My NEW Website!

Don't be misled.  It's the same garden blog with the same name.  You'll find here the same rambling gardener writing about the same Hamptons garden. So what's new?  Hamptons Garden has moved to a newly designed space on Squarespace.  This new website has allowed me to expand my journal to include many picture galleries, including portfolios of my garden by season, a lookbook of inspiring combinations I've planted by design (and accident), and photo logs of some garden tours near and far.  I'll also be adding profiles of some of my favorite plants very soon. 

I've imported all the old posts and pictures, but as with any move, some things may have shifted during travel. I'll continue to clean up any glaring formatting problems as I discover them. I do want you to have a pleasant experience while visiting. If this is your first time to Hamptons Garden, please check out some of these older posts.

So with this new website, I've finally achieved my original goal in starting a blog.  With commentary and continually updated galleries all in one place, I now have a complete garden journal.  As personal as this may be, I do hope that Hamptons Garden also provides my readers with a little inspiration, a few useful insights, and a lot of eye-candy.  

And to make finding Hamptons Garden easier, I've created a direct link with an easy-to-remember address. Just type in the url www.hamptonsgarden.com whenever you'd like to visit —which I hope will be often!

Warmest regards,

Jeff, Gardener in Chief

P.S. Don't forget to sign up on the right side of page for email updates of new posts. 

Artwork by Rosaura and Nathan


Winter Wonderland?


Wild Marijuana?