Paul's Glory Hosta
No, that's not Paul pictured. That's Charlie, the younger schnauzer, sitting in front of a very colorful hosta named Paul's Glory. The Paul in question is Paul Hofer who registered this award-winning hosta in 1987.
I planted two of them to fill under a viburnum and to add a little contrasting color. I bought them from a favorite mail-order source, Bluestone Perennials. They arrived small, but after a few seasons they filled out the allotted area very nicely.
Mine have leaves with yellow-green centers with darker green margins. The center color gets brighter with some sun which it doesn't seem to mind. Centers are more chartreuse with less sun. Flowers are white. However, I usually cut the blooms off, preferring the colorful foliage to stand out.
With active voles and slugs, I usually shy away from hostas. But near patios, I can better watch them before they become some pest's dinner.
Hosta ‘Paul’s Glory’
Adding color to patio plantings