What's Your Favorite Coneflower?

‘B’s Knees’

Purple coneflowers (Echinacea purpurea) have always been a favorite. They have a natural quality,  yet can add a punch of color to a mixed planting. Mine bloom in partial sun and full sun.  Up to this year, I have only planted two varieties, including the species and 'Magnus'.

However, wanting a smaller version for a new planting bed, I stumbled across a new variety called 'B's Knees' at a local Bridgehampton nursery.  They're already blooming!  The color is a much darker magenta than the color of the others.  Each plant is producing quite a few buds so it should be a long-blooming plant.

So what varieties are you growing? 

'B's Knees' echinacea with 'Six Hills' Giant' Nepeta

New blossoms provide a lighter contrasting color and shape


2011 ARF Garden Tour


Summer Blooming Azaleas